After-School Care and Friday School
Our after-school enrichment programs offer Berean scholars additional opportunities for academic and social development. We provide students with a safe, nurturing environment where they can complete homework, receive additional learning help, and enjoy playing with their peers.
After-School Care
Our after-school program for elementary scholars costs just $10 per day and provides each enrolled student with a healthy snack. To enroll your kindergarten through sixth-grade scholar in After-Care, please complete and return a registration form and behavior contract and make your initial child care payment by cash or check.
You may make payments on a monthly or bimonthly basis. Please direct your questions to our After Care staff at 520-459-4113.
Friday School
The regular instructional week at Berean runs Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We reserve Fridays for teachers and scholars to catch up on work or receive additional learning assistance. Friday School is not a requirement, nor is it to be used as child care. Friday School is also not a behavioral consequence; however, teachers may ask scholars to attend Friday school if they feel the child needs help achieving mastery of a certain skill set.
Friday school begins at 8:00 a.m. and goes until 11:30 a.m. We serve both breakfast and lunch and offer flexible dismissal times. Parents should sign their child in and out of Friday School or plan for them to participate in after-school care.