Parent Volunteer Organization

Our Parent Volunteer Organization (PVO) is the best! It hosts fundraising events and other school activities to promote school spirit; nurtures positive relationships between families and teachers; and raises funds for equipment, supplies, and programs. All parents and interested community members are welcome to be a part of it!

Membership Benefits

There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school than to join PVO. Get connected with your child’s teacher and stay on top of all the great things happening at Berean. By volunteering with PVO, you’ll grow as an individual, gaining valuable experiences and discovering skills you didn’t know you had.

As a PVO member, you’ll also tap into a network of support. Parenting is not easy. It helps to share ideas, concerns, and experiences with other parents and volunteers in your community. PVO functions are opportunities to meet other parents, build rapport, and discuss issues that are near and dear to your heart. PVO is a safe forum where you can share concerns and make suggestions to improve the educational opportunities for your child at Berean.

We hope you join us!